Heroes Beneath the Waves: Submarine Stories of the Twentieth Century written by Mary Nida Smith.
Founded by Robert Buschbacker, USSVI Submarine Veterans Base of Mountain Home and many others across America have shared stories and pictures about war and peace time and how it is to live below the sea encountering the unknown. Few people know what a huge part the USS Submarine Service provides in protecting us and our freedom.
Smith’s husband, CPO Melvin Smith, served 16 years in submarines and five years in anti-submarine helicopters. Beginning at age 17, he enlisted and served in WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. http://submarinestories.blogspot.com
Mary Nida Smith is a freelance writer, poet, artist, photographer and lifetime member of USSVI Subvettes, Ladies of U.S. Subvets, several artist clubs, Ozarks Regional Arts Council Historian, Ozarks Writers League, Friends of the Library and founder of the Twin Lakes Writers. http://marynidasmith.blogspot.com
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